Download PDFOpen PDF in browserCyber Security Threats Analysis Using Machine Learning in Online TransactionsEasyChair Preprint 156429 pages•Date: January 6, 2025AbstractCybersecurity threats are nefarious attempts made by a company or an individual to obtainaccess and steal sensitive data, corrupt data, or take down the entire network. Companies are not immuneto the hazards of data breaches and cyberattacks. Only a few hacks have the power to completely damagecomputer systems. Online business transactions are those that take place over the Internet and useelectronic payment methods for fund settlement and money transfers. Protection and security arenecessary for improved transactions, including OTP verification and password protection for transactionsecurity. Online transactions are the foundation of e-commerce and are thought to be the most commonway. E-commerce is the practice of purchasing and selling goods over the Internet. When using theInternet for e-commerce, threats are made with the goal of stealing and engaging in fraud. Numerous e-commerce dangers exist, including cyber security concerns that may be brought on by human mistake.Debit or credit card fraud, data misuse, e-cash, and electronic payment systems are some of the securityrisks. Two key components of combining cyber security and ML are accounting for cyber security wheremachine learning is used and using machine learning to enable cyber security. We may benefit from thisunion in a number of ways, such as by giving machine learning models better security and enhancing theeffectiveness of cyber security measures. Keyphrases: Online Transactions, cyber security threats, fraudulence, machine learning