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Tsunami Hazard Modelling in Sunda Strait, West Java, Indonesia

EasyChair Preprint 15636

9 pagesDate: January 6, 2025


The Sunda Strait is one of the tsunamigenic regions in Indonesia and is part of the Sunda Megathrust, known to be highly vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis. The maximum earthquake in the Sunda Megathrust can reach 8.2-8.7 Mw. This research examines the tsunami hazard in Cilegon City, Banten, Indonesia, which directly borders the Sunda Strait. The purpose of this study is to determine the tsunami wave run-up height and analyse the inundation area due to tsunami waves in Cilegon City. The methods used in this research include tsunami modelling with three earthquake scenarios of magnitudes 8.2 Mw, 8.45 Mw, and 8.7 Mw using COMCOT software and H-loss calculations. Based on the results of the tsunami hazard analysis in Cilegon City using a geographic information system involving COMCOT software and H-loss calculations, the tsunami hazard in Cilegon City is relatively low. The wave arrival time at the Cilegon City coast from each scenario is 141.9 minutes, 150 minutes, and 84.2 minutes respectively, with run-up heights not exceeding 3 meters and inundation areas less than 200 hectares in the Ciwandan, Citangkil, and Grogol Districts.

Keyphrases: COMCOT, Megathrust, Sunda Strait, tsunami hazard

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Mauliza Fatwa Yusdian and Aditya Saputra and Kuswaji Dwi Priyono and Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah and Afif Ari Wibowo and Mika Yoshida and Namiko Sano},
  title     = {Tsunami Hazard Modelling in Sunda Strait, West Java, Indonesia},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15636},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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